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Pellet Stoves: Great for Alternative Fuels

Pellet stoves are perfect for any individuals looking to lower their heating costs without sacrificing their homes and their families to winter’s harsh chills. As energy prices keep increasing, more and more homeowners are choosing to steer clear of traditional energy methods such as electricity, natural gas, or liquefied propane gas, and look to alternative fuels. These alternative fuels can range from dried corn kernels to cherry pits, but one of the most popular forms of alternative fueling is a sawdust based product pressed into the form of a pellet. Burning pellets are clean burning and highly efficient for heating rooms or homes of all sizes.

Looking much like traditional wood burning stoves, pellet stoves are perfect for homeowners who want to continue a historic feel throughout the home. Just like the stoves used to heat your grandparent’s, great-grandparent’s, or great-great-grandparent’s homes, pellet stoves are produced in many traditional styles, including the old fashioned “potbellied” stove that is generally thought to be the epitome of a heating stove. Just like with wood burning stoves, pellet stoves are produced in a wide variety of styles, from the sleek and modern creations to the elegant, old world styles.

Pellet stoves are fueled by pellets, tiny bullet shaped dry fuel buds that are made from compressed sawdust. Because the pellets are made from wood, they burn quickly and easily without a great deal of smoke or soot. This favorable aspect of pellets ensures your home or the stove itself is blackened by soot or smoke, which is common with traditional wood burning stoves, coal furnaces, or wood burning fireplaces. Since pellets are compressed sawdust, there is no danger to your family or pets by storing the pellets in your home. Also, these pellets can be stored inside a building, whereas liquefied propane gas (LP gas), kerosene, or natural gas must be stored outside due to safety concerns. This is an excellent attribute of pellets, as you can easily refill your stove without having to venture out into the chilly winter weather.

If you are interested in installing a pellet stove into a preexisting home or space, the installation process is quick and easy. Pellet stoves do not require a chimney and only require a small hole to ventilate the stove to the outdoors. Most stoves are equipped with special vents to ensure the stove vents without issue or potential danger. Furthermore, most pellet stoves come with an internal fan to distribute the hot air instead of allowing it to remain inside the heat box. This feature is not included in similar wood burning stoves, but it can be purchased as an extra. An internal or external fan will allow the air to be evenly distributed throughout the entire heating space, and is critical for large, spacious rooms.

Unlike wood burning stoves, those stoves that run off wood based pellets require fueling only once a day, or even less depending on the capacity of the stove and the temperature chosen on the setting. Wood stoves and wood burning fireplaces often require wood be added every couple of hours, so pellet stove owners find themselves able to do other things than fuel their stove. Furthermore, the usual smell associated with burning wood and the smoke from burning certain types of wood, wet, or “green” wood is virtually nonexistent in stoves that burn pellets. This allows pellet stoves to be used in more homes, especially those with small children or residents that have allergies or asthma that can be bothered by wood smoke. Furthermore, the exteriors of the stoves are safer than other variations of heating devices, since the heat is not radiated to the outside of the stove, preventing small hands and fingers from being scorched.


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