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Firewood Splitter Best Explanation I have ever heard

A firewood splitter can help complete your toolset and can make many of your mundane tasks and chores a breeze. There are a wide varieties of these tools on the market today, to suit an equally wide variety of needs that people would have for a firewood splitter.

You may be a homeowner with the winter months coming and are just looking to stack up on firewood for personal usage. Other times you may run a company that makes firewood for other people or alternatively you have the job of clearing trees away but don’t want to mulch them. Busy winter resorts, hotels and clubs (and even larger, private residences) often have many fireplaces all of which require plenty of high quality firewood.

The main benefits, regardless of your purpose, is that a firewood splitter does all of the work for you. No strenuous physical activity is necessary when using one of these. Additionally, it does all of the work fast. You can move through your entire stack in virtually no time, without breaking a sweat or pulling a muscle.

Whatever your needs are, you can find the right kind of firewood splitter to handle the job. You can split up these devices into two broad categories. The first of which is the manual firewood splitter. These tools are portable, cheap and easy to use. They are great for personal use. These are so small and light that you can even bring them with you on a camping trip. For the most part these are operated with a foot lever system.

No swinging heavy axes and you don’t need to bend down or use any upper body strength. Other benefits of the manual splitters are that there is no fuel required, they are noiseless and they don’t produce any messy byproduct of woodchips. You can even use these in your basement or your garage.

If one category is the manual version, the other category has to be the automatic version, or in this case, the hydraulic version. Hydraulic log splitters are great if you really have a lot of wood to get through. They are great for commercial usage and they come in different sizes and strengths to be able to handle any kind of wood and any log size that you can throw at it. If you consistently have a lot of firewood to split, or you are dealing with very large logs, hydraulic splitters are definitely the way to go.

The downsides to hydraulic splitters are that they can be large, noisy and require fuel to run their engine. However, if you have more work than you can handle, usually the great benefits of these machines far outweigh any negatives. Hydraulic splitters are also more expensive than their smaller and less powerful manual counterparts.

Within these two main groupings are a variety of specific models and variations. For instance, there are hydraulic splitters that you can find that attach to the back of a vehicle like a tractor and others have wheels attached for easy transportation. So if you’re sick of chopping wood and want to save yourself the time and the hassle, consider purchasing a firewood splitter and alleviate the stress on both your back, and your wallet.


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