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Cast Iron Wood Stoves: Eco Friendly Heating Appliances

Cast iron wood stoves refer to the wood burning heating appliances used to keep your house warm. Traditionally people used to place these stoves away from the wall. However, there are newer models of cast iron stoves that you can place as close as eight inches from the wall.

Cast Wood Iron Stoves - Different Models to Suit Your Budget

A large range of cast iron stoves is available these days. It is up to you whether you want to buy a traditional stove or a stove with a contemporary look. Cast iron stoves are made of cast parts bolted together. Appearance of the stoves differs with the material used on the stove exteriors. These materials include plate steel, sheet metal, or a combination of these materials. These stoves are available in several attractive colors. You can select a cast iron wood burning stove to complement the d�cor of your living room. You can even look for stoves with marble or porcelain cover that give a different look to the stove. Difference styles and designs of iron stoves allow you the flexibility to choose one according to your requirements, preference, and budget.

Some manufacturers offer only traditional cast iron wood stoves. However, others make innovative stoves with new and advanced technological features. Several stoves come with large size glass doors to make the flames visible. Another model goes one-step ahead by using infrared barrier in the glass to facilitate reflection of heat back into the firebox. Furthermore, some self-cleaning models have airflow system that automatically removes soot and smoke from the glass doors. Other additional features of cast iron woodstoves include thermostats, insulated door handles, removable ash pans and blowers.

Safer Heating Solutions

Cast iron stoves are much safer than other heating appliances that use gas. With a wood stove, there is no risk of igniting the gas in the air, and starting a fire, when you light a match. There is no risk of somebody leaving the gas on and making you breathe harmful fumes. Unwanted smoke is expelled out with the help of a pipe that goes either through the ceiling or through wall.

In addition to beautifying your house, iron wood stoves also prevent pollution by not using any non-renewable fuel. You help in creating a pollution free environment for the future generations when you prefer wood stoves to other heating appliances using non-renewable energy.

Few Points to Check before Buying Cast Iron Wood Stoves

How would you ensure whether a particular stove is of good quality? Checking the quality is an important step before you take a decision purchase a cast iron wood stove for your home. Check for its castings, welds, doors, draft controls and appearance. If the stove has clean castings, smooth welds, tight doors, smooth draft controls, and the appearance of good workmanship, then you may consider buying the cast iron wood stove without any doubt.

To avoid the possibility of any burnout almost all wood stoves have firebricks and metal plates. These materials also increase the storage medium of heat, known as thermal mass, and the life of the stove as well. The size of the stove you choose determines the duration of heat radiation from the wood stove. Duration of heat radiation of a 500-pound stove would be better than the heat radiation period of a 250-pound stove.

Consider all the aforementioned aspects and make proper checks before purchasing a cast iron wood stove for your house. This is necessary because the stoves one time purchases and involve considerable amount of money.


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