Electric log splitters can save your back and your sanity especially if you depend on a wood stove as your primary source of winter heat. Anyone who has ever split firewood by hand with an axe knows that not only is it backbreaking hard work, it can be dangerous work too.
You realized you need to improve heating efficiency within your home. The cold winter months are coming and each year the bill seems to be larger than last years. This is very terrifying and very tiresome all at the same time. One of the best ways that you can make this...
With only minor modifications, biogas can be used to fuel a conventional tank-type gas water heater, thereby allowing the biogas home producer to get hot water ‘off the grid’. Heating your water without using nonrenewable energy sources not only saves money, it helps rid...
You don’t have to be a scientist to learn how to tap alternative energy sources to save money and help reduce dangerous carbon emissions that feed global warming. Many easy, affordable options already exist for everyday applications and one or more of those options will...
Cold weather is on the way again and while you might not want to think about the cost of home heating right now, learning how to supplement your traditional home heating system before the snow flies can save you hundreds of dollars over the course of the coming winter.
Heating and air conditioning systems are nowadays an important tool to consider especially because the constant global warming results in the gradual appearance of only two seasons: extremely hot summers and freezing winters. Heating and cooling systems have become the...
A natural gas furnace is an economical and efficient method of home heating. Experts recommend buying a gas furnace with an efficiency rating of at least 90% for best performance. However, if you plan to stay in your home less than five years or if you live in a milder...
Choosing an alternative garage heater can be a great way to gain exposure to green heating methods, especially if you’ve never used any of the more common ones. Once you successfully install and use an alternative garage heater, you may decide to rethink the heating system...
A steam boiler is a type of furnace that creates heat by boiling water into steam using a variety of different fuels. A biomass boiler is a steam boiler that makes use of renewable fuels made from waste wood, agricultural crops and agricultural waste, industrial waste and...
A Propane heater is a portable heating unit that runs on liquefied petroleum gas (also known as LP gas or propane). Propane is also the fuel of choice for many conventional whole house furnaces, especially in rural parts of the U.S. where natural gas is not yet available....
Hot air oil furnaces typically run on the same petroleum-based diesel fuel that is used in the trucking industry. You purchase this fuel yourself at the diesel pump of any gas station if you have a diesel engine automobile. Many older homes in the Midwest and Northern East...
Fireplace corn stove inserts are inserts that you can fit into your existing fireplace without affecting the existing structure. The design of those corn stove inserts makes them fit easily into all types of fireplaces without any need to alter the masonry structure of...
Nowadays, many people are concerned about finding an alternative to fossil fuel in order to continue living our lives that we presently enjoy. There are so many abstract opinions about potential alternatives that one can spend a great deal of time considering all the options...
Alternative fuel is the way of the future. If you haven’t begun changing your home over, now is the time to take this into consideration. The dependence that the world has on oil is very worrisome especially with oil reserves beginning to deplete around the globe. But there...
Do you know the facts about solar energy? Many people think that solar heating, solar cooking, and solar energy in general are all topics for future generations, space age ideas whose time has not yet come. Yet the facts about solar energy are nothing like that. Solar heating...
Why are ecological buildings better? When it comes to the design process, structural advantages and actual construction, there is no trumping the ecological building. They captured the attention of investors and developers alike because they are a better, more cost-efficient...
Some alternative stoves are made out of cast iron, which means that they naturally look like an antique wood burning stove. This is also means that they look great in a cottage or a chalet. A small antique stove can really warm up the look of a basement or a family room....
Corn burning furnaces are rapidly becoming a favorite among homeowners looking for alternative heating sources. These unique furnaces use an excellent fuel of biomass fuel, corn, for heating instead of a more expensive form of non-renewable resource. Whereas natural gas,...
What better time to use cord wood? As gas and energy prices in the world market soar, drop, and on some days do the Macarena, firewood is fast becoming a popular heating alternative in many homes. Sold in cord wood, firewood is indeed a cheap solution heating. A cord wood...
Choosing the right kind of wood stove type is a matter of understanding your specific stove, the wall and ceiling clearance you have to work with, and your budget. Most wood stove pipe is made out of 22 or 24 gauge stainless steel and comes in either single or double wall...
There are different types of heating system for your home and that is why you have to take into consideration all the possibilities before taking a decision. In this article we are going to make a brief presentation of the most used systems be they conventional or not....
Most people don't think of investing in a wood stove blower for their wood-burning stove. Some think that a blower would not provide any benefits. Others simply don't know what a blower is, what value it offers, or where to purchase one. This article discusses each of these...
When I say solar water heater, some people might envision a hot water tank or pool heating system, but what we are actually talking about here is a way to heat your home efficiently and comfortably using water and solar power. As we all know, the rising cost of home heating...
With cold weather approaching fast, homeowners are once again thinking about whether it might finally be time to think about replacing oil or gas heat with something more environmentally friendly and economical. Whether you are replacing oil heat or replacing gas heat,...