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The depletion of oil stocks

Nuclear power plants create no air pollution whatsoever run efficiently and never run out of the source of the fuel.There is always matter for fission or fusion, so there will never be a time when nuclear power will not be available. Increased production to meet peak demands is easier in this situation as well. Most of all, an increase in nuclear power plants means the ability to close down some of the old plants that are so quickly depleting oil stocks. While nuclear energy seems like the ideal solution, adversaries of the idea point out several issues that should be considered.First of all, there is a bit of a risk involved any time nuclear energy is involved. While modern technology and safety procedures can reduce the risks significantly, nuclear power is a volatile resource that cannot ever be guaranteed 100% safe. Also, because there is so much involved in the risk management, including disposal of nuclear waste, the cost of maintenance and safety of a nuclear power plant is much higher than that of any other type of power plant, including oil plants. Also, reserves of uranium, which is often a key factor in nuclear power, is in limited supply, and the entire world is on a hunt for the element.
The wind can also be used to produce energy. Probably the cleanest form of energy producing method, it can be implemented only in regions with enough potential, meaning that the wind has to be blowing almost all the time at an average speed high enough to move enormous props that can generate high voltage current. Ironically, the biggest obstacle to the implementation of wind turbines is the desire of the people to keep their view clean of the windmills…
Therefore, as the world continues to struggle over reduction in oil stocks and discusses the need to reduce oil consumption, all nations continue to tap the fuel source while debating the pros and cons of all the possible solutions, rather than simply coming to terms with the fact that there will always be a negative aspect to any procedure implemented and choosing the least detrimental option. Someday soon, there will no longer be an option to debate. In the near future, governments in the world will be forced to implement solutions to the fast depletion of oil stocks. This could lead to a combination of procedural implementations – perhaps converting all cars to ethanol-based fuel systems as well as building nuclear, solar and coal power plants, along with putting up hundreds of thousands of wind turbines. Perhaps the efficiency of wind and water energy, used as an alternative energy source by some electric company providers, will rise and become an excellent renewable resource that is never tapped dry and doesn’t pollute the environment. When gasoline prices hit $10 a gallon, people might well decide to start drilling in Alaska to search for more oil stocks. While the future is still unclear, it is certain that changes must be made before the crisis becomes a disaster, leading to global chaos.


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