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Coal technologies and alternative heat

Softer grades of coal can also be burned as fuel, but are used less and less often because they produce substantial pollution in the form of sulfur and carbon dioxide. Even anthracite coal produces unacceptable levels of carbon dioxide when it is burned commercially. Clean coal technology refers to various attempts to reduce coal emissions so that the use of this plentiful natural resource does not contribute to global warming. Currently, electrical power plants burn the most coal and are the most heavily invested in clean coal. They also contribute most heavily to global warming. Some methods of cleaning up coal emissions to make coal safer include:
IGCC or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle turns coal into gas before it is burned and removes the impurities so they don't end up in the atmosphere. 'Carbon Capture' or carbon sequestration refers to a variety of experimental technologies that remove toxic gases from anthracite and softer grades of coal so they can be burned safely. De-watering of lower grade coals removes moisture content so that low quality coal is more combustible and burns cleanly. Clean coal technology is controversial. Many environmentalists point out that widespread application of IGCC and other carbon capture methods will not be possible until 2025 at the earliest, and require major monetary investment. Clean coal advocates point out the obvious need for a fossil fuel that can help the world transition to green energy, and to the fact that coal still is the most plentiful choice. A production infrastructure is also already in place. Alternative coal stoves for home use have existed for many years. Home coal burners can be a good option in regions where access to coal is easy and the grade of coal available is good. Coal stoves, like wood stoves, require regular maintenance and an understanding of the technology in order to keep them operating safely. High efficiency alternative coal furnaces for home use are also available.
Today’s coal burning stoves and furnaces are cleaner than the home coal burners of the previous century, but alternative coal heat is not right for everyone. Consider the maintenance requirements, cost, and affordability of local coal in order to make an informed choice about whether alternative coal is right for you. In a long relative process, clean coal has effective theme of using coal, alternative based. In technology, it gives several technical things for corroborating household activities. On the contrary, different countries have continuing a great deal of action to make coal as a safe and clean, effective method. To make certain coal clean technology is a tremendous action to long process in any places and any places. Now-a-days, coal clean technology is almost decrease fly ash, safe and working with burn sulfur dioxide (SO2). But in the present situation this technology has enlarged in all over the world and that is more workable. IEA predicted that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is updating in a low process, for lack of suitable expense and fault of political and monetary problems. And it is also foresee that the handling of CCS is more than 17 large-scale.

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