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Gorgeousness of Jordan city

Arab is an ancient city. Presently it situated beside of north-west Jordan ground hure hill east side of musa oyadi. From B.C 200 to B.C 400, it was the capital of Nabatain kingdom. Petra city is actually too much well defended tower. It was famous for its extraordinary natural beauty and important tombstone. It has mode in the hole which was 12 feet width only and on the head was a stone wall. In the side of hole has a hard stone of wall which has adore these ancient building and was most famous “khajneth feraun” of the holy place .The holy place was introduced rich and chattels too. It also has a half circle of playhouse where could sit together about 3000 visitor.  The city of Petra was defended and economically prosperous. All the side of Petra was a high hill and charming waterfall. The Petra would control all   main commercial ways which stands west of Gaza, North of Bosra and damaskas, beside of red sea of akuaba and liuse and North side of desert. During Roman rule, Petra quickly destroyed when they started trading centrally in ocean. In A.D 106 Romans were taken the provinces of comprising Arab Petra. The second and third centuries the importance of city reduces and takes mostly commercial areas Pamira city. In seventh centuries, Muslims take and the twelfth century it was occupied krusedara when it is destroyed. In 363 centuries, the earthquake destroyed the dalanagula and lost the run of the water system. In the middle age Petra ruins the central point. In the thirteen century to see Petra Egypt sultan Baibaras. After many years, this ancient city was discovering Swiss Paribrajak Johan Burkhardat in 1812. John William bargan said his description of Sanete Award winner famous “A rose-red city half as old as time”. But Bargan can not go Petra. Because, after First World War there could be on go Europeans and local people there were arms. UNESCO confirmed it as a global heritage place in 1985. Petra is city called on of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage.  Petra culture, wealth and power that once was and how rich prosperous that’s proved Petra.

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