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Pyramid of wonder

It is the world's oldest and most famous of the world's wonders. The seven wonders of the ancient world, mainly in the old and the only surprise was that the existing. This is in addition to Giza pyramids and the pyramids khuphura cepasa also known as the Pyramid. It has been created by the million blocks of stone. Khuphura Great Pyramid was created...

Gorgeousness of Jordan city

Arab is an ancient city. Presently it situated beside of north-west Jordan ground hure hill east side of musa oyadi. From B.C 200 to B.C 400, it was the capital of Nabatain kingdom. Petra city is actually too much well defended tower. It was famous for its extraordinary natural...

Grand Wall of China

Every one has a concept about the Great Wall of China. Of the world seven wonders is most magnificent place Great Wall of China. Actually, it’s made of man and its matter of joyful the strange plan many years active and made of many years ago. It’s very strange that how three dynasties are together the works was running. The wall is made about one-two...

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