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Kantonagar mazar and mosque

About 1.5 kilometers northern-eastern from kantonagar temple and 200 meters eastern from disanpur-thaugaur   main road this mazar is situated. About 27 meters long   This mazar is called   che-heal gazi mazar .The mazar is about 2 meters wide and 1 meter high. Around the mazar about 1.50 meters was high wall. The northern wall has damaged but other three parts of wall has stood. There was no roof on over.  Mazar and wall bricks are different type and these are an ancient Hindu and Buddhist age that are no doubt. There was an arbi shala lipi that are heard of men. One Madcap throws a tank on the east side of mazar before some ago. That tank could not be found any vestige. There was any tank that was said to difficult. There has a small wreck of   imarat   in Muslims age on northern-western of the mazar . About 50 meters northern-eastern had a same wreck of imarat. M.S. Map was shown the same wreck of imarat in national mosque in 1860. About 4 meters long this imarat every out sides built in square. These walls are wide about 2.5 feet. There has only one Gambuj on high. The east wall of imarat has an entrance path. The eastern wall of imarat has a one entrance path. The entrance path of inside of western wall has a mirror. The northern of wall has a door and alone the door northern side of forward wall has a small altar. The Muslims would be entered the eastern door and went out to give slight serja forward the mirror. On the other hand Hindus would be entered the southern door to put manot belongings and went out.  Most of the manot belongings were made in soil and smaller horse. Many a Muslims would have given that kind of manot belongings. It is concept that ages of Muslim this mazar would many people gather there.  About 200 meters long from mazar has situated the biggest mosque. Numbers of corporate prayer were in district dinaspur.  Most of these have been destroyed.  The best examples of a temple in this style is that at kantanagar .It is a nine towered temple of considerable dimensions  and of pleasingly picturesque  design.The central pavilion is square, and pointed form shows clearly enough its descent from Orison part types , the other eight are octagonal and their form suggests as it origin , a number of bamboos arranged in a circle or polygon , with their head bent together and cords binding them horizontally at equal intervals.

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