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Natural beauties of Bangladesh and important places

Bangladesh has so many important places .Each places its important aspects and characteristics. The shat Gambuj mosque, The Buddhist Vihara, the Sundarbans ,the bandarbons, mahasthangarh, Paharpur, laimai mound at comilla are the important places of Bangladesh. World attractive place are a place which historically and geographically important for the world. World attractive places are recognized by the international community in the shape of world heritage convention declared by UNESCO in 1972. Though a small country, Bangladesh has many important places which are known as natural beauties. Bangladesh is often called a land of natural beauties .She is Nature’s darling child .On no other country of the world has Nature bestowed so much beauty as on Bangladesh .Her beauties consist in bounty and variety. Bangladesh is a playground of Nature .Her tropical climate brings for her abundance of sunshine, on one hand and plenty of loud and rain .on the other hand, There is always the play of light and shade in the land. She enjoys the pleasure of sunny weather. Luxury of colors and throws an appeal pf an unending ocean of greenery. Her green fields overflowing with golden crops,  the spotless blue and cloudy sky,  her moonlit and pith dark night –all these present scenes of Bangladesh. The banks of the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of sights which enchant the eyes. The grand spectacle of the river on a moonlit night is simply bewitching, In Bangladesh six season in their distinctive roles come in procession. In summer , heat is intense which is at the root of all verdure and greenery , In autumn ,there are the play if hide and seek among the clouds , the blue sky and the enchanting moonlight at night , Last of all , spring presents variety of colors, No one can deny that Bangladesh is a matchless beauty spot in the world.


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