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What Could I Replace Home Heating Oil With?

The cost of home heating oil has surged dramatically over the past few heating seasons. Many families have seen their heating bill rise out of their reach, and some bills have even doubled in size. This is because the price of fuel oil has been steadily rising since 2002...

What Are the Best Wood Burning Stoves?

What are the best wood burning stoves available on today’s market? Looking for a wood burning stove can be confusing with all the choices and styles, but finding a woodstove that saves money and burns efficiently doesn’t have to be difficult. High efficiency wood burning...

Water Baseboard Boiler Combines Well With Different Heating Systems

A lot of alternative heating systems available today can be extended by taking advantage of hot water baseboard heating. If you have recently installed one of the newer alternative heating systems such as a solar collector or a wood burner, or if you have installed a coal...

How I Improved Waste Oil Burner Installation basics Simple Steps

Do you dread opening your monthly heating bill? A waste oil burner can put an end to those high rising heat costs. Get the green light on saving both the environment and your budget by installing a waste oil burner. With each stop at the gas station to fill up making you...

Using Solar Water Heaters to save money and a bit of the planet

Solar water heaters are an ideal way for you to save money on your home’s heating bills. Since the price of traditional energy products such as electricity, gas, propane and oil are always increasing, there is little doubt that every homeowner would not like to take full...

Using Solar Heat for Home Heating

As fossil fuels like oil and natural gas become ever more expensive and less available, solar heat is becoming increasingly popular for use in domestic home heating applications. Many people are actively looking for alternative forms of energy to use to heat their homes,...

Using Coal Stoves Wisely: Tips You Need To Use Them

Coal stoves can be a good way to heat a home. Coal has been used for many years to do just that. But, it is not always as easy to light and keep such a stove running, unless you know how to do it correctly. To help you in this regard, here are some tips for caring for and...

Used Wood Stoves: Should They Be Purchased?

Used wood stoves can often be found available in your local classified ads. But, should you purchase them? What could go wrong if you do? Like any product that you purchase that is used, you need to rely on what the user tells you about the condition and quality of the unit....

Underfloor Heating And Solar Water Heaters - A Winning Combination

Underfloor heating can be a model choice for heating your household, efficiently and ecologically friendly. No matter if it is your budget that you are thinking about or the dependence on oil that most have, this type of heating is an ideal consideration for you. Homes that...

Top US Home Heating Tax Credits

Citizens of the U.S. who are planning summer home renovations might be surprised to learn they are eligible for generous home heating tax credits if they invest in alternative home heating products or insulation this year. In addition to generous federal energy tax credits,...

Things you should know about wood stove inserts

Wood stove inserts are inserts that will use a wood stove to heat your home. One of the main reasons for choosing an insert over a stand-alone wood stove is that you enjoy the look of your fireplace. But, you may not like how much it costs to use the fireplace. Wood stove...

The Vita Goat Steam Boiler Cooking System

As energy becomes more expensive and scarce worldwide, heating and cooking solutions designed for use in developing nations are becoming more practical for home use in industrial nations. The Vita Goat home cooking and grinding system (provides high efficiency steam boiler...

The Return of Coal Boilers use for alternative heating

Coal boilers are alternative heating solutions to process hot water or to heat large areas. Before we have an understanding of that boiler type, it is necessary to have an overview of coal and its availability. Coal is probably the most abundant fossil fuel available in the...

What should I opt for? Corn pellet stoves, something else?

Heating through corn pellet stoves or other products can be an effective and efficient way to heat your home. There are many products that can be safely burned through a home heating system such as a stove, to heat the home throughout the day and overnight hours. And, these...

Choosing a Pot Belly Stove to heat your home

The potbelly stove is that stove that you remember seeing in tales about the wild, Wild West. It is the stove that you remember seeing in depictions of the old school house. Today, you can heat your household through the use of an antique looking potbelly stove. No matter...

The Nuts And Bolts of Wood burning Stoves

What do you need to know about wood burning stoves before you start using them regularly? If you think it is as easy as purchasing and installing the stove, you are only half right! There is much to think about, though, in the efficiency and safety standards of using these...

The Nuts and Bolts of Home Solar Power

The benefits of home solar power are each day clearer to governments, individuals, and businesses. Amid growing concern about increasing energy prices and the environmental effects of burning fossil fuels, many households are turning to solar energy as a source of renewable...

The Benefits of a Corn Burning Stove

Home heating oil and natural gas prices both keep rising, and as result many people are exploring the benefits of owning a corn burning stove as a way of saving money and even reducing carbon emissions. Installing a corn or grain burning stove is an economical and practical...

The Advantages of Propane Stoves

Propane stoves use a highly portable, concentrated, and safe fuel that has been used for years in camping stoves and outdoor BBQs. Rising electric and heating oil bills are prompting people to look for alternative heating, and propane is quickly moving into homes as a main...

The Advantages of an Alternative Home Heating System

Waste less energy to make a better world. The need for an alternative home heating system grows now more than ever. After decades of using (and often wasting) the energy supply of our planet on producing more and living better, people should become aware of the fact that...

Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons

A tankless water heater is sometimes called an “on demand” water heater because it does not store hot water, but rather heats water right at the faucet only when you need it. Most water heaters are large cylinders that have a heating element and a water source attached. The...

Solar Water Heating Systems Basics

Most people are aware that solar power can provide electricity to run appliances and lights, and that this energy actually comes from the sun. Now, think about what happens to a shallow pool of water, or a garden hose that has been sitting in the sun for an extended amount...

Solar Sheeting Promises Cheap Solar Energy Soon

Solar is the ultimate renewable power source, but even though sunlight is free, solar panels have (so far) been expensive to produce and expensive to install. Many people have the impression that cheap solar energy is years away as a real possibility, but the reality is that...

Solar Pool Heaters - A Natural Solution

Solar pool heaters are beyond any other type of pool heating mechanism the best choice. While you can hook up electric models that will heat your pool’s water, the process takes a long time and within just a matter of minutes or hours, you’ll need to do it all over again....

Solar heating systems for your house

As energy costs rise, more and more people are looking to solar heating systems for energy-efficient heating and to provide other energy needs. There are two types of solar systems available: passive and active. What's the difference? Both types of systems work by absorbing...

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