About 200 yards to the north of mankalir Dhap the mound known locally as parasuramer bari .It was briefly excavated in 1907 but the excavations in 1961 brought to light a modern building which was constructed not earlier than the later part of the eighteenth century ,There...
The site which is located in the old Rajshahi district near its border with the Bagura district can be approached in two ways: from the Jamalganj station of the parbatiput section of the Bangladesh Railways, from which it is about 3 miles to the west; or from Jaipurhat...
The western temple complex lasted till the Muslim conquest. In the eastern temple complex there are four building periods. The upper most one belongs to the Muslin period and the next one which cannot be dated is fragmentary and insignificant. The period below this shoe...
An enormous door sill of granite stone , measuring 9 ft. 4 ins. By 2 ft. 5 ins. Still lies on the top of this mound which is located about 200 yards to the northwest of the mazar .It has a floral design carved in its face and the top is recessed and provided with holes...
The temple belonging to the late pala period was built a little to the south of the earlier temple and partly overlay it. It measured 111ft. From the east to the west and 57ft . From the east to the west and 57ft. from the north to the south. The plan is difficult to...
The mound called Govinda Bhita is on a bend of the karatoya to the northeast of the fortified city. The mound is across the ditch outside the northern rampart and about a couple of furlongs beyond. It was excavated in 1928-9.According to the Sanskrit text Karatoya...
The individual mounds which have been excavated in mahasthangarh and its vicinity have generally revealed structures which are not earlier in any case than the late Gupta period . most of these structures in fact belong to the later periods. The Gupta-post-Gupta and later...
There is a third opening which which leads directly to a bathing place called the sila Bevir Ghat the ghat is the bathing place called of sila Devir on the river karatoya. On the north there are two opening snatan sabeber Galy and the unnamed one leasing to Ghararduar village...
The site is located about 8 miles to the north of the district town of Bagura. It is a large and rectangular fortified enclose on the west bank of the Karatoya river. It measures 5000 ft. from the north to the south 4500 ft. form the east to west and rises 15ft. high on...
The highest point of the site lies at its southeastern corner where the burial or the mazar of shah sultan Balkhi Mahisawar dominates attention. The area is shaded by large trees and the surface is litterer with miscellaneous structural debris. There is also a mosque nearby...